We started with three sets of 5 power cleans, emphasizing bar speed and good catch position (Jason at 205#, Tim at 135#).
Ali and Tom did clean pulls instead of full cleans, as they’re working on getting the form right.
In between sets, we did Skin-the-cat on the rings and walking lunges carrying an 80# heavy bag.
After a short rest, we did the following for time:
25 Deadlifts (135#)
20 Pullups (Ali did Russian Twists as his shoulder is sore)
20 Thrusters (95#) (Ali subbed Med Ball Squat Press-Tosses)
10 Power Skips
15 Tuck Jumps
1.5 Mile Run
25 Pushups (Ali subbed bodyweight squats)
20 Pullups (Ali subbed crunches
25 Pushups (Ali subbed 100y Heavy Bag shuttle run)
Both Tim and Jason started cramping on the run portion.
Jason’s time: 28:07 (6:25 to run, 17:04 run, 4:37 after run)
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