About the Contributors:
Jason is a PhD candidate in the Ancient Mediterranean Religions program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received an MA and BA from Florida State University, where he was a lightly-talented walk-on football player in his first two years. Jason’s knowledge derives in large measure from working with (and picking the brains of) several outstanding S&C coaches in his time at FSU, making power and speed training his primary background. He has a blog devoted to non-workout-related subjects at www.jasonstaples.com.
Tim is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Tim ran cross country at Hope College, where he completed his undergraduate studies. Tim’s primary areas of expertise are endurance training and biomechanics. Tim is also an avid cyclist and outdoorsman, with a significant amount of hiking experience.
Dustin is a PhD candidate in Molecular Biochemistry at Oregon Health and Sciences University, giving the group a “hard science” background. Dustin is also an avid outdoorsman with lots of hiking experience.